Northumberland National Park – Now & Forever
Northumberland National Park Authority (NNPA) has invested significantly in its visitor facilities along Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site to make them more accessible and inclusive.
Duncan Wise, Visitor Development and Tourism Officer at NNPA tasked us with the voice-first translation and recording of a 2min welcome narrative which gives engaging information to empower people to connect with the National Park on their own terms: NNPA now extends a warm welcome to visitors in 16 languages, including Mandarin, Farsi, Punjabi and Ukrainian.
Fantastic news: NNPA's communications and marketing team won the In-house Marketing Team of the Year award at North East Marketing Awards 2024. The award recognises the team's work in 2024, which included the initial crisis response to the felling of Sycamore Gap tree and working closely with partners to ensure a fitting legacy for the tree. They also promoted and marketed high-profile exhibitions such as Shaun the Sheep at The Sill: National Landscape Discovery Centre.
Come along to the current Spellbound exhibition based on the extraordinarily successful poetry books The Lost Words and The Lost Spells by artist Jackie Morris and author Robert Macfarlane.
Do visit for the latest news.

From the Blog
Project Focus: Mary Queen of Scots’ Visitor Centre
Winner of Tripadvisor's 2023 Travellers' Choice award.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Professor Thurston's work on Peer Tutoring at Queen's University Belfast has been recognized as a contribution to Sustainable Development Goals SDG 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 & 16. Dr Maria Cockerill has a special interest in finding cost-effective solutions which improve learning outcomes, with a focus on cooperative/peer learning and literacy, and equity for learners from socio-economic disadvantaged areas.
Work experience
Annabel Garner graduated with a 1st in Modern Languages with Translation with a Distinction in spoken German from the University of Nottingham!
Hospitality in Hadrian's Wall Country
Great food, excellent beer, friendly staff and superb accommodation at the 18th century Boatside Inn.